Saturday, April 11, 2009

Figurative Language

Figuative Language is a fun thing to do! Here are some examples:

SIMILES: A figure of speech in which things that are different are compared by the use of the words like or as.

METAPHORS: A figure of speech in which is similar to a simile, but does NOT use the words like or as to compare.

PERSONIFICATION: Writing which gives non human objects human qualities.

IDIOMS: An expression that does not mean what it literally says, like "You’re driving me up a wall".

ALLITERATION: The repetition of a sound at the beginning of two or more neighboring words.

ONOMATOPOEIA: The naming of a thing or action by imitation of natural sounds. Example: BUZZ or HISS

If you have any examples of any of the Figureative Language above could you please post some of your examples!


  1. This is my Simile:

    Your heart is as warm as the sun.


  2. This is my Simile:

    The puppy is as soft as cotton!

    This is my Metaphor:

    The grass is needles!


  3. My simile:

    Your friendship makes me as happy as a pig in mud

  4. Thanks for commenting Lexie!☺
