Saturday, April 11, 2009

Figurative Language

Figuative Language is a fun thing to do! Here are some examples:

SIMILES: A figure of speech in which things that are different are compared by the use of the words like or as.

METAPHORS: A figure of speech in which is similar to a simile, but does NOT use the words like or as to compare.

PERSONIFICATION: Writing which gives non human objects human qualities.

IDIOMS: An expression that does not mean what it literally says, like "You’re driving me up a wall".

ALLITERATION: The repetition of a sound at the beginning of two or more neighboring words.

ONOMATOPOEIA: The naming of a thing or action by imitation of natural sounds. Example: BUZZ or HISS

If you have any examples of any of the Figureative Language above could you please post some of your examples!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


What is the biggest fish you have ever caught?
What is the weirdest fish you have ever caught?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


What is your highest score in Scrabble? What is your highest word score? Scrabble is a game of luck, but at the same time you have to use your brain to make words out of the letters. What stumps you is if the words your teammate has put down doesn't have the letter you want to make your word.


How many pets do you have? What are their names?


Easter is coming up and I was wondering what people were going to be doing! Please post here if you are doing anything exciting over Easter break!